We describe here How to Get a Free SSL Certificate for Your WordPress Site, you can use let’s encrypt or cloudflare. Let’s encrypt is a nonprofit organization that provides SSL certificates for free and cloudflare offers a free SSL certificate as part of their services.

Securing your WordPress website with an SSL certificate is crucial to protect your website visitors’ sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card information, and personal data. It also helps to improve your website’s ranking on search engines like google. In this article, we’ll go through how to get a free SSL certificate on your WordPress website using let’s encrypt or cloudflare.

We will also provide some tips for maintaining your SSL certificate to ensure your website stays secure.

Understanding SSL Certificates

Defining SSL Certificate And Its Importance

An SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates a website’s identity and encrypts sensitive data between the website and the user’s browser. The SSL technology provides an extra layer of security, ensuring that the communication between the user and the website is secure and protected from any potential breaches or attacks.

The importance of SSL certificates for your WordPress site cannot be overstated. Here are some of the key reasons why it is crucial to have an SSL certificate:

  • Builds trust: With an SSL certificate, your website will display a padlock icon and the https prefix in the address bar, indicating that the site is secured, which builds trust with users.
  • Protects user data: SSL encryption secures all data transferred between a user’s browser and your website, protecting sensitive information like login credentials, credit card details, and personal information from potential hackers.
  • Improves search rankings: Google favors secure websites over non-secure websites, so having an SSL certificate can improve your website’s search engine rankings and visibility.

Explaining The Differences Between Http And Https

Http (hypertext transfer protocol) is the older protocol used to transfer data between a user’s browser and the website server. However, http data transfer is not secure, which means that any data exchanged can be intercepted by third-party individuals.

Https (hypertext transfer protocol secure) is the secure version of http, using an SSL certificate to encrypt all data transfer between the user’s browser and the website server. Https is essential for any website that requires the transmission of sensitive data, as it provides a secure channel for data to be exchanged.

Here are some of the main differences between http and https:

  • Security: Http does not have any security measures, whereas https uses ssl encryption to provide a secure channel for exchanging data.
  • Ranking: Websites with https receive a ranking boost, as google prioritizes secure websites in search results.
  • Trust: Users have more trust in https websites, as they display a padlock icon and https prefix in the address bar.

Discussing The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Ssl Certificates

SSL certificates provide significant benefits to a website, but there are some potential downsides to consider. Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of SSL certificates for your WordPress site:


  • Security: SSL encryption provides an extra layer of security for user data, making it harder for hackers to infiltrate your website.
  • Trust: SSL certificates build trust with users, showing that your website takes data security seriously.
  • Compliance: Some industries require websites to use SSL certificates to comply with data security regulations.


  • Cost: SSL certificates can be expensive, especially for larger websites or companies.
  • Maintenance: SSL certificates need to be renewed regularly, which can be time-consuming and require some technical knowledge.
  • Performance: SSL encryption can sometimes slow down the website’s performance, especially on older or slower devices.

SSL certificates are vital for any website that deals with sensitive data or transactions. It provides a secure and trustworthy environment for users, protecting against potential data breaches. While there are some downsides, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages, making it a worthwhile investment for any website owner.

Benefits Of Having An SSL Certificate On Your WordPress Site

Enhanced User Experience And Trust

When users visit a website, they want to trust that their information is safe and secure. An SSL certificate gives them that reassurance. Here are some benefits of an SSL certificate that enhance user experience and trust:

  • It displays a padlock icon in the browser bar, indicating that the site is secure and protected with SSL encryption.
  • The website address will start with “https: //” instead of “http://”, which provides an additional layer of security.
  • Users will not see a warning message that the website may be unsafe.

Increased Security And Protection Against Attacks

One of the most significant benefits of having an SSL certificate is the security it provides. SSL encryption ensures that sensitive data, such as credit card information, is protected and cannot be intercepted by third parties. Here are some more benefits:

  • SSL certificates encrypt all data transmitted between the user’s browser and the server, ensuring that it cannot be intercepted or stolen.
  • SSL certificates authenticate the server’s identity, ensuring that users are not communicating with a fake or malicious website.
  • SSL certificates protect against phishing attacks, where attackers try to trick users into sharing their personal information.

Improved Search Engine Rankings

Google announced that websites with SSL certificates would rank higher in search results. This is because SSL is a ranking factor that google uses to determine website credibility. Here are some additional benefits that improve search engine rankings:

  • SSL certificates indicate to search engines that the website is safe and trustworthy, which leads to a higher website credibility score.
  • A higher website credibility score leads to higher search engine rankings.
  • Google chrome now flags websites without an SSL certificate as “not secure,” which can deter users from visiting the site.

Having an SSL certificate for your WordPress site is essential for your users’ trust and safety, protecting against cyberattacks, and improving your SEO rankings. Ensuring that your website has an SSL certificate shows that you prioritize your user’s safety and security.

How To Get A Free SSL Certificate For Your WordPress Site

How to get a free SSL certificate for your WordPress site

In today’s online environment, cybersecurity is a crucial concern. Site encryption such as SSL (secure sockets layer) has become a critical aspect of keeping a website on a secure path. SSL certificate encrypts data passing between a web server and a web browser.

Google has announced that having an SSL certificate installed on a website is an essential signal for ranking and indexing. For WordPress websites, securing a site with an SSL certificate can be a tricky task, but fortunately, it is possible to acquire a free SSL certificate with a few simple steps.

Choosing A Web Hosting Provider That Offers Free SSL Certificates

The first step in getting a free SSL certificate for your WordPress website is to choose a web hosting provider that offers a free SSL certificate. There are many web hosting providers available in the market, but not all of them offer free SSL certificates.

Here are some web hosting providers that offer free SSL certificates:

  • Bluehost
  • Siteground
  • Dreamhost
  • Hostinger

Step-By-Step Guide For Installing A Free SSL Certificate On Your WordPress Site

After selecting a web hosting provider, the next step is to install a free SSL certificate. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting it done:

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard, and go to plugins.
  • Click on ‘add new’ and search for ‘let’s encrypt’.
  • Install and activate the ‘let’s encrypt’ plugin.
  • After activating the plugin, go to ‘SSL.’
  • Click on ‘get free SSL certificate.’
  • Once prompted, confirm that you want to install your SSL certificate.
  • Once installed, your website will be served over https, and your site is secured.

Testing And Verifying Your SSL Certificate

The final step is to verify the SSL certificate on your WordPress website. Here’s how to do it:

  • Open your website in google chrome.
  • Click on the padlock icon that appears before the website url in the address bar.
  • Click on ‘certificate’ in the pop-up window.
  • Verify if the certificate is issued by ‘let’s encrypt.’
  • Check if the ‘issued to’ field matches your website’s domain name.
  • Check if the ‘valid from’ dates are accurate depending on when you installed your SSL certificate.
  • Close the window and enjoy your secured site.

Securing your wordpress site with an SSL certificate is a critical step toward safeguarding your users’ and customers’ data. By selecting the right web hosting provider, installing let’s encrypt SSL, and verifying the certificate, you can have a free SSL certificate on your wordpress website, ensuring a safer online presence for your website.

Best Practices For Maintaining Your SSL Certificate

Regularly Renewing And Updating Your SSL Certificate

It’s crucial to renew and update your SSL certificate regularly to maintain the security of your site. Neglecting this important task can lead to a lapse in protection and leave you vulnerable to security breaches. Here are some things you should keep in mind:

  • Most SSL certificates are valid for one year, so you should renew them before they expire to avoid any downtime.
  • By keeping your SSL certificate up-to-date, you ensure that your website visitors continue to trust your site.
  • Renewing your SSL certificate involves going through the validation process again to ensure that your certificate is still valid and has not been compromised.

Monitoring Your SSL Certificate For Any Issues Or Errors

Even if your SSL certificate is up-to-date, it’s essential to monitor it for any issues or errors that may arise. This will help you to spot any potential problems early and address them before they become serious. Some things to bear in mind include:

  • Set up alerts so that you will be notified if there are any issues with your SSL certificate.
  • Use an SSL checker tool to check for any errors or issues with your SSL certificate.
  • If you encounter any problems, contact your SSL certificate provider immediately to resolve the issue.

Implementing Additional Security Measures To Enhance The Protection Of Your Site

While an SSL certificate provides a basic level of security for your site, you should also implement additional security measures to enhance protection. This will help you to safeguard your site against potential threats. Some additional security measures to consider include:

  • Implementing two-factor authentication for user login to your site.
  • Using a firewall to monitor traffic to your site and block any suspicious requests.
  • Ensuring that your site’s software and plugins are up-to-date to avoid any known vulnerabilities.
  • Regularly backing up your site’s data to minimize any damage caused by security breaches.

Maintaining your SSL certificate is essential to uphold the security and reliability of your website. By following the best practices highlighted above, you can ensure that your SSL certificate is up-to-date, monitored for errors, and combined with additional security measures to provide the best protection for your site and its users.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Get A Free SSL Certificate For Your WordPress Website

What Is An SSL Certificate?

An SSL certificate encrypts data between the web server and user’s browser, providing secure communication.

Why Is An SSL Certificate Important For My WordPress Website?

An SSL certificate secures all traffic on your site, provides trust and builds credibility.

How Can I Get A Free SSL Certificate For My WordPress Website?

You can use let’s encrypt, which provides a free SSL certificate that can be installed on your website.

Can I Install An SSL Certificate On My Own?

Yes, you can install an SSL certificate on your own, or you could ask your hosting provider for assistance.

What If I Have Multiple Domains On My WordPress Website?

You can get a separate SSL certificate for each domain, or many hosts offer certificates that cover multiple domains.


Getting a free SSL certificate for your WordPress website is a smart move, and the good news is that it’s not as complicated as it sounds. With a few simple steps, you can protect your website and your visitors’ data without breaking the bank.

First, check with your hosting provider to see if they offer a free SSL certificate or if they support let’s encrypt. If not, there are several online services that offer free SSL certificates. Once you have the certificate, install it on your website and configure it to work properly.

Remember to also update your website’s settings to ensure that it uses https instead of http. Overall, getting a free SSL certificate for your WordPress website is a crucial step towards ensuring a safe and secure online experience for your visitors.

Don’t wait any longer – take action and get your free SSL certificate today!