New Patients welcome

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Office Hours

  • Monday and Wednesday

    8 AM - 2 PM, 4 PM - 7 PM

  • Friday


  • Saturday

    9 AM - 2 PM

Our Services

Chiropractic Care in Manhattan

Massage Therapy

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Chiropractic Therapy

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Trained Therapists

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Years Experience

About Us

Welcome to Chirofind Family Chiropractic

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    Satisfied Patients

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    Finished Projects

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    Experts Therapist

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    Award Got

Therapy Process

Step to Get Physiotherapy

Make an Appointment

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Get Consultation

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Enjoy Our Therapy

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Our Client Feedback

Our Therapists

Our Chiropractic Team

Marvin McKinney

Physical Therapist

Bessie Cooper

Senior Therapist

Leslie Alexander

Acupuncture Therapist

Book Appointment

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